
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Memorizing the TOPIC HEADINGS of Preach My Gospel - a Guide for Future LDS Missionaries

Hello, it's Kendall (future missionary)! My friend Maya is currently serving a mission in Peru, so I recently asked her for tips to help prepare for a mission. One of the things that she suggested was something I hadn't thought about before - she said that she recommends familiarizing yourself with Preach My Gospel, but also memorizing the headings for the topics in the missionary lessons that you will be teaching...

Here is what Maya says, "Preach my Gospel will be your very best friend!! YOUR VERY VERY VERY best friend! My tip would be to familiarize yourself with it as much as possible before leaving for the mission. I would focus on memorizing Lessons 1-4 (The Restoration, Plan of Salvation, The gospel of Jesus Christ, and The commandments). Don't necessarily memorize the paragraphs but memorize the main topics! I wish I had been more diligent with that before leaving for the misson! It will help a ton. But also try to at least read all of preach my gospel before leaving. It will help a ton when it comes to teaching, studying, EVERYTHING!"

You don't have to have the lessons memorized, but having the topics that are contained in each lesson memorized (in order) will really be helpful. This will help you remember what is coming up in the lesson you are teaching and where certain topics are covered if you are not going in order. Start with the memorizing the topics from the first lesson ("Lesson 1- The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ"), which is the one that you will teach a LOT more than the others.

The topics (headings) for Lesson 1 are:
  • God is our Loving Heavenly Father 
  • The Gospel Blesses Families 
  • Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation 
  • The Savior's Earthy Ministry 
  • The Great Apostasy 
  • The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith 
  • The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ 
  • Pray to Know the Truth through the Holy Ghost
Certain memorization methods work better for some people than they do for others. I've always had success in memorizing using songs (like memorizing the Articles of Faith primary-style - learning the words as they are set to a familiar song).

Here is a really great video of a group of young women singing a song (not really a song, it's a list of the main topics from the whole 1st missionary lesson,"Lesson 1: The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ," in chronological order and set to the tune of the hymn "Praise to the Man"). I don't know who originally put this together, but I happened to see this on Youtube and I'm personally going to use it to help me memorize the topics for Lesson 1:

Click HERE to link to the youtube video of the song

This isn't really something to memorize, but is fun to watch- A rap about the gospel!

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